Index to: Life Sucks Better Clean
More Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases
Life Sucks Better Clean is a recovery blog in which, when the spirit moves, I put in thoughts, observations, meeting stories, jokes and sayings heard in meetings and from the recovering. Below are the titles and links to particular meditations. Sometime in the future I will be selecting the best of these and publishing them in book form as a sequel to my Yesterday's Tomorrow meditation book released by Hazelden. Who will publish Life Sucks Better Clean is still a question at this point because there is some discomfort concerning the title, which is not going to change.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
Like we didn't already have enough opportunities to grow.
Going to any lengths to keep clean
Going to any lengths to stay clean getting longer
There's something deadlier than Covid-19 out there.
Adapt, Improvise, overcome, or die.
Or What Gooses the Gander is Good for . . . Something.
We are so good with change. But now it's change or drop back into the nightmare.
Think the Corona Virus is a good enough excuse to quit meetings?