Writer's Paint Box by Barry B. Longyear available 11/12
November 11, 2015
Screen-Handy English Rules and When to Break Them for Writers of Readable WritingFor Working Writers: All that crap you were supposed to memorize in high school English some of which may have faded or fallen though the cracks. Mount this Kindle on your monitor and when needed quickly find the answers to most of your English grammar, punctuation, and usage questions, as well as a bundle of ways to diddle, bend, and break the rules.
This is the writing tool I mentioned on Facebook some days ago. The Kindle was posted today, it's under a 12 hour review, and it should be up on Amazon.com for sale ($2.99) on Thursday, 11/12/2015.
I have been asked if this would be suitable for middle schoolers, and it does have a bit of rough language in it. However, I would have killed to have this be my English text when I was in the eighth grade. It contains no words eighth graders wouldn't understand and in all probability are already comfortable using. The work's object, however, is readable writing, as in fiction and nonfiction books, stories, and articles for sale. If you are on an academic kick and looking for tried and true guides for putting in footnotes or diagramming sentences, this is not the English text for you.
I'll hook up the icon link as soon as Writer's Paint Box is available on Amazon.